Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 8 and Week 1

Week 1 Summary

Well I finished week one... and it wasn't so bad, except I was expecting to be down more than I am :(  Not even one full pound.. I actually weighed myself Saturday and then Sunday after my cheat day and then Monday morning and I weighed more Monday than I did Sunday even though I stuck to my plan on Sunday and rode my bike 6+ miles... I was down almost 4 lbs on Friday --- grr, one cheat day really screwed me up, or maybe since I rode my bike 26+ miles in the week I gained some muscle? Here is for wishful thinking... I'm also going to try to cut out my desserts at night as well, but I know if I'm crazing chocolate, it's better to have those, then some chocolate bars!

Week 1 weigh in: 157.8 lbs
Total Lost: 0.4 lbs

Day 8 - Monday

Well we started Boot Camp today and it was pretty good., hopefully I'll begin to see some improvements from that plus the diet!

Today's Food Consumption
Breakfast: Banana

Snack: Banana
Lunch: Lean Cuisine Philly Style Panini

Snack: Apple
Snack: Lean Cuisine  Chicken Potstickers
Dinner: Ling Ling's Potstickers and sauce

Estimated Calories Consumed: 1482
Estimated Calories Burned: 303
Days of Exercise for Week: 1

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