Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 5 - Biking in the Rain

Well today was my first day off work since starting this diet. I drank lots of water to steer me away from snacking. I also rode my bike to get a pedicure and stop at Publix, rather then driving, so I got an extra day of exercise. Going to try to ride my bike anywhere that is within 5 miles and I don't have to pick up/drop off stuff that is too big for my little backpack (weather permitting) - Speaking of weather, of course after the pedi and Publix it was drizzling, and I looked at the weather and it said it was going to last all afternoon, so I had to ride home in the rain. It was only a light drizzle, but still irritating. At least my pedi didn't get ruined. Logged almost 5 miles with that trip. Tonight we went to a halloween party, and I didn't drink anything by water, and didn't have any snacks besides 2 potstickers which I checked the nutrition label so I could include it in my count(my friend was cooking them and had the package on the counter) This was hard because the cookies and finger foods looked so delicious, party food is by far my favorite. Now tomorrow is a cheat day, I'll try not to over do it.. I bought my fat free hotdogs for the tailgate so I'll at least save some fat/calories that way, but I'm sure the beer will more then make up for it! We also have our 8 am Boot Camp assessment tomorrow morning before we go tailgate, so this will be a good starting point after a few days of steady dieting. 

Today's Food Consumption
Captain Crunch Cereal (2 servings is only 200 calories, yey for not liking milk!)
Healthy Choice Mediterranean Grilled Vegetables (frozen meal)

Snack: Weight Watchers Giant Chocolate Fudge Sundae Cone
Dinner: Weight Watchers Pizza Mini's

Snack: Ling Ling Potstickers (only 2)Snack: 90 Calorie Fiber One Brownie

Estimated Calories Consumed: 1005
Estimated Calories Burned: 237
Days of Exercise for Week: 4 

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